I could add a few comments on the site.
I assume the site is generally to advertise your chinchillas and the front page does a good job of doing that. It gives your location and the types of chinchlllas available as well as a little information about you as a breeder.
A couple of suggestions:
1. The site could work well with a narrower width. There's a lot of white space in the middle and a narrow width could fill it up nicely. You can look at sites like
Yahoo.com or
The New Nork Times site as examples of how the narrow width can reduce whitespace in the middle.
2. The modules on the left side of the page looks uneven. Some have a light blue header and some have a dark blue header. If the header-body-footer colors and layout of each module look the same, it could make the left side look more cohesive.
Overall, I can see a lot of work went into the site and there are a lot of good things such as the product reviews so great job.