Breeders > General Breeder Chat

Is it possible to start a pedigree where there is not one?

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No, this is not a good idea.

A pet owner has no need for a pedigree, and a knowledgeable breeder won't buy them if they don't recognize the lines. If you show the chins, you might have more to advertise to pet owners than just their cuteness, but winning ribbons isn't enough to justify breeding them. I caution you strongly against breeding unpedigreed chins, you can't create something from nothing in this instance, because the history is what matters.

How much would it suck to have a customer come to you saying their vet diagnosed a genetic defect that killed their chin? That's a whole big can of worms you definitely don't want to open, and that is the risk you run breeding unpedigreed chins. 

If you really want to breed them, interrogate the owner for pedigrees. If she can't produce any verifiable info, run away.

I total agree with what people are saying here... I had a perfectly healthy 5 year old chinchilla whom I bred with what seemed a perfectly healthy 2 year old.. this resulted in quads.. one is which died at birth, not only did I have to take alot of time off work to help feed them, but i also paid a lot of money on tests and had to put the one I kept to sleep at 9 months old  due to malocclusion.. which was genetic. I had never even heard of this before he had got this, initially he was treated for an eye infection before he had a CT scan and they discovered  his teeth roots had grown into his eyes! The only signs of this agonising disease was a very slight eye discharge and weight loss.
My point is unless you have a pedigree line you won't know if they have genetic malo in there, breeders are trying to get rid of all the horrible things out there and back yard breeders (like I classed myself as) are messing up the hard work they do to protect the bred.

No pedigree lines means pet only unless you don't care if you bred an animal which will potentially die from an early painful death   :'(


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