Breeders > New Births

Inada kits


I thought Aime would have her second litter first but in the past 2 weeks Inada ballooned up.  I found her hunched weird about an hour ago and there's a wet kit under her.  She looked far too big for that one kit so I expect more.  I wish xrays were a little more routine and cheaper for chinchilla pregnancies like they are in the UK.  The UK vets I was talking with do chinchilla pregnancy xrays all the time.

Luckily I found my camera unharmed in the husky puppy's favorite spot for chewing random objects.

Looks like twins.  Not sure if they are tan or just beige.  It's the first litter out of my ebony male so we haven't had tans yet.

That's really nice. Thank you for sharing that.


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