Breeders > Breeding 101

Chinchilla just gave birth yesterday! Quick question


My chinchilla lulu just gave birth to 3 healthy little babies yesterday! Can i let her out of her cage today? I think she needs to release some energy! And if so how long should she be out for?

Excellent. I'm not sure what the ideal time is but I think 10 minutes would be fine as long as the kits are healthy and the room temperature is above 50F.

Usually when I let mom out with very young kits I put the kits under my shirt or a blanket with me so they will not chill or panic.  I'll leave them for 30 minutes or more.  You can tell when mom starts looking for her kits.  Aika is big enough she will stand on her backlegs and look in to a critter nation when she's had enough free time.  When they get a little older I'll leave them in the cage or let them all go run around the bathroom where their dust bath also is.  That is one thing to keep in mind too.  Mom should not have a dust bath until kits are 1 week old minimum.

If I haven't mentioned this I probably should and that is chinchillas kits are extremely fragile and can die very easily if they fall, even if it's a few inches, so be careful, and certainly have fun and handle those kits. They will become super tame.


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