So Dexter just had a seizure about 10 minutes ago. He was napping in my dresser where I have removed a line of drawers for him to run around in. During this time every day hes taking a little bit of a catnap, he always does it in there instead of his cage (if I put him back in he acts like he wants to come back out then will nap there again). He was fed Mazuri pellets and timothy hay not long ago, and was very energetic/normal before his scheduled nap. My boyfriend saw that he started to open his eyes and called out his name very softly. Dexter looked up at Max and then immediately went into a seizure. He didn't curl up very much, more like doubled over. The spasms seemed to occur on his abdomen, legs and face. His eyes were open and his mouth was open with his tongue out. He was on his side and on the edge of the dresser so I held him on his left side and just stroked him and spoke to him until it was over. It took about a minute total. He then seemed a little tired, and wanted to stay cuddling with me and did not want to leave my hand when I tried to set him down (which is unusual for him, he is about 5 months old and loves to play instead of cuddle). I held him and petted him until he wanted down, he acted a bit dazed for a minute and seemed to scope out his play area again like it was new, but is now acting completely normal. My room was at 72 degrees and it is not humid. I do not think it is head trauma or heat shock, he scales the walls and occasionally runs into the cardboard wall or falls off one of his levels (the cage is 41" high, his highest level is about 36").
The only health problem he has had is a prolapsed penis a few days ago, but after treating it with a small amount of Vaseline and checking for hair rings we have not seen any other problems with that. He has also never had a seizure that we've ever seen, and usually someone is with him in the room (the only times not is during school hours).
I can take him to the vet tomorrow if they will take him and if you think I should. I just want to make sure its okay to take him to the vet the day after, I don't want the stress to be more harm then good.
I have looked on the internet but I think I am freaking out a bit too much to take this all rationally, especially since there are a number of causes that it could be associated with.
Sorry this is so long, any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you.