Chinchillas > South East USA

Looking for a Chinchilla (South Carolina)


I have never had a chinchilla before.  I have done my homework, I've wanted one for a long time but I am just now able to have one :)  I live in Charleston, South Carolina, and I am looking for a breeder to get the chinchilla from. 

I really would rather not purchase from a pet store. 
I don't really have a preference on color. 
I don't have any interest in breeding so male/female doesn't matter. 

What I'm looking for is a kit, so he/she knows me from almost day 1, and I'm looking for a chinchilla from a breeder so that I know the pet is coming from a responsible place that actually cares about both the animals and the people wanting to keep them.  I know that chinchillas are individuals, like most living things, and if anything the only second thing I'm looking for is a curious/social/friendly kit.

Hi, I am in Walterboro. I'm about an hour from you.  I do have 3 left from my last weaning but these are a little more energetic then the others. (That is why they are still here).  I will have some more weaned in a few weeks.

Energetic isn't always a bad thing, but I think a calmer chinchilla would mesh with my personality better.  Thank you for your honesty :)  I kept looking at your site and sent a couple e-mails but didn't receive anything back (no worries).  I have been hoping to hear a response from you!  Mainly because you seem so knowledgeable and your site so professional (plus good reviews)  I will absolutely wait a few weeks for the baby chins, but I can't promise I won't be really anxious!!!  ;)


Oh, and I guess I should add to please keep in touch or let me know a way to contact you

I did get your email on Friday, I hadn't written back yet because I had one chinchilla in mind I thought might be what you wanted but you said you had a lot of company that would want to play with it.  I didn't respond right away because I wanted to be sure I had what you wanted.

You see, some chinchillas are just naturally comfortable with all people once they are tamed, others are slow with new people but eventually warm up.  Many will bond to one or two people and be very uncomfortable around newcomers.   I know how my chinchillas act around me.  Usually I have customers come out and see which chinchilla takes to them best.  In your case I wanted to bring in a few friends of mine to give them a varied audience.  None were as comfortable as would have liked.  I was getting ready to write you when I saw your post on here first.  :)

I will be keeping you in mind when I wean the next chinnies and let you know when I have one I think will be a good match.

I am so excited!  You really love this too!  It is rare to find someone these days who cares more about what they are doing than money.  Since you are so specific, this chinchilla will be mine, but I have a girlfriend of years who I am planning my life with and I know she will constantly want to be with the chinchilla as well.  In addition to us, of course, I have friends and visitors that I know would be very curious about a cute fuzzball like a chin!


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