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Internet Cheating...

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--- Quote from: mikasauntie on December 04, 2007, 09:40:13 AM --- I don't think either of them has ever seen a card catalog in the library.  oops...I just dated myself!   :)

--- End quote ---

I know what you mean.  My daughter just had a test on using the encyclopedia.  I had to laugh!  I wonder when they they will toss that out and start teaching how to use Google instead.  ;D

i agree they should do the research it's not that hard to find everything you need to know by reading on the internet that is how most of us started out i'm sure and now we all know most everything about our chins and their background.

Theres a lot for different websites and on some you might get different answers. So why not ask a chin owner who can give you one answer. :)
But I see what your saying

I know this thread is super old, but generally "interviews" are considered to be a reliable and valued source for reports.  It's a first person account.  The only other ways to get first person accounts are through diaries or journals.  Typically, first person accounts are considered to be significantly better than secondary sources.  It's not cheating.  While I understand the argument to direct them to websites you're actually providing a less reliable source.  Wikipedia, for instance, is rarely considered to be a source worthy of being cited.  Whereas, getting a personal account from someone on their experiences working with chinchillas and the knowledge they've obtained over the years is significantly better.  Even this forum would be a terrible source to cite.  Most teachers would probably throw it out.  All professional journals in academia would definitely through it out, but an interview could be valid depending on the content.  Personal websites would be marginally more acceptable than this forum, but the same arguments would apply to those sites that apply to wikipedia.

while it is true the can just hop on the internet, half the info out there is incorrect. so with you, they are learning the correct way to treat/care for/etc. a chinchilla.  in my mind, i don't see a difference between going to a book, internet or asking someone with vast knoweldge.  granted they dont' have to read read and read... and going to you makes it easier, but again, its still reseach [they had to search you out] and some day that information you are giving them, might just save a chins life.

herees an idea, not sure if its a good one ask for their address and send them your booklet on chincare, then they will have to read.


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