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Hanging Wood Toys

These chew toys were designed especially for chinchillas and other small animals. All materials used are safe for little chinchilla bellies. This toy may seem simple, but your small animal will really enjoy it and it is good for every rodent's teeth.

It's so much fun just setting there and watch your chinchilla chew on it


My Chinchilla loves these toys. They usually last a good 3 to 4 months for one before replacing.


We have a couple different kinds of these hanging from various places in the cage - our babies LOVE to chomp on 'em and ring the bell - lol - it's good for 'em too, when made of untreated pine.

-Tina Thayer

My chin seems to like the little bell at the end better than the wood. He uses it to get my attention, its adorable. He ahs chewed it a little bit and since I got it for him he hasn't chewed on the walls as much.


I love wooded toys that hang in the cage. The chinchillas enjoy swinging them as well as chewing on them and because they are hanging up they stay clean and last a long time.


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