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Cell-Sorb Plus

Cell-Sorb Plus is ideal for all small animals...Rabbits, Chinchillas, Guinea Pigs, Gerbals, Mice, Rats, Hamsters, Ferrets, Birds and Reptiles. Comes in a great 40lb bag for added value!

Cell-Sorb Plus is used as both a contact and non-contact bedding. The unique design of the product combined with the animals movement, allows feces droppings of many animals to work to the bottom of the bedding - out of contact with the animal.

Your pet lives in all natural bedding that keeps it healthier and happier, while you have less odor, less changing and use less product.

Hei! Ble anbefalt blgogen din hos Frufjeldhammer og koste meg mens jeg tittet gjennom innleggene dine. He5per det er greit at jeg har lagt deg til leselisten min...Skjf8nner du er gravid, se5 koselig:) Det er se5 deilig e5 lage "rede" for ny baby. Ha en fin lf8rdagskveld.Hilsen Elisabeth


I don't use it for beding I use it for litter :-D


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Chinchilla Product Reviews