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Tanita Digital Scale

An accurate scale that weights in grams is the best way to monitor a baby chin's progress. In fact, we consider a good scale to be essential for anyone who is serious about breeding chinchillas. We know our scale has saved lives. This Tanita scale is accurate and convenient. We especially like the auto shut off feature when we are busy with a kit.

Capacity: 1 kg (35 oz)
0-0.5kg / 1 g (0-17 oz / 0.05 oz)
0.5 - 1 kg / 2g (71-35 oz / 0.1 oz)
Power: Four AAA batteries (included)
-- Auto shut off when a weight has been displayed for two minutes
-- Detachable bowl, D 7.25 x H 2.5
-- Tare function

I love this tool, it is so much easier weighing baby chins with! Love it 5 stars!


This is SUCH an excellent scale, precise and easy to use and clean.


I love this! I went from a kitchen spring scale to this very nice digital one. #1!


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Chinchilla Product Reviews